Artifactory Download Docker Image

A suite of plugins that lets you orchestrate automation, simple or complex. See the Jenkins website for more details and documentation.
Documentation on the Jenkins site:

  1. Artifactory Download Docker Image Command
  2. Artifactory Download Docker Image Version
  3. Download Docker For Mac
  4. Artifactory Download Docker Image Centos
  5. Artifactory Download Docker Image File

Other information about Pipeline is available in GitHub. Quick links:


Formerly known as the Workflow plugin. Originally inspired by the Build Flow Plugin.


2.6 (Oct 3, 2018)

  • Updated dependencies.

2.5 (Feb 01, 2017)

Job file (if I use ssh username and private key auth to download sources from Git, build the artifact and deploy it to my nginx server. Nexus Repository Pro Download the Docker image using following Repository Management and Sonatype Nexus 3 / 9 10Sonatype Nexus as Center Hub images/nexus-tool-suite-integration. Online store for products and services. The Enterprisers Project. Articles written by CIOs, for CIOs. Red Hat Marketplace. A place to try, buy, sell, and manage certified enterprise software for container-based environments.

Artifactory Download Docker Image
  • Updated dependencies, and added Pipeline Model Definition Plugin.

2.4 (Sep 21, 2016)

Artifactory Download Docker Image Command

  • Updated dependencies, and added Pipeline Milestone Step Plugin.

2.3 (Aug 31, 2016)

  • Updated dependencies.

2.2 (Jun 22, 2016)

  • Updated dependencies.

2.1 (May 03, 2016)

Artifactory Download Docker Image Version

  • Now depends on Pipeline Stage View Plugin.

Download Docker For Mac

2.0 (Apr 05, 2016)

Artifactory Download Docker Image Centos


Artifactory Download Docker Image File

  • First release under per-plugin versioning scheme. See 1.x changelog for earlier releases.
  • Jenkins core requirement increased to 1.642.3.
  • Now depends on Pipeline Multibranch Plugin, and moves some steps into new Pipeline Build Step Plugin, Pipeline Input Step Plugin, and Pipeline Stage Step Plugin.